Has Google discovered something new or is this a real hyper-hype?

n FB there was an link to a popular article “Google says its new quantum chip indicates that multiple universes exist”, see this.

In the article the notions of multiverse and parallel universe are confused. Google should use the money to raise the standards of hyping. Quantum computation assumes superposition of quantum states. One can of course call the superposed quantum states of the computer parallel multiverses but why?

Just yesterday, I saw yesterday a less optimistic video The quantum computation collapse has begun by Sabine Hosssenfelder.

What should one conclude from this. Has the collapse of the bubble started? Or has Google discovered something unexpected. What could this new something be?

Error correction is the basic problem of quantum computation. It can be achieved by adding qubits serving as check qubits but one must also check qubits for these error qubits so that one ends up with a never ending sequence of error corrections. One should however leave some qubits also for the computation!

ould something be missing from quantum physics itself? I have been explaining for more than two decades what this something might be.

  1. Number theoretic vision of TGD predicts an entire hierarchy of phases of ordinary matter characterized by an effective Planck constant, which can have arbitrarily large values. In particular, the quantum coherence associated with classical electromagnetic and gravitational fields makes possible quantum coherence in even astrophysical scales and this solves the problems due to the fragility of quantum coherence.
  2. Another prediction is what I call zero energy ontology. ZEO predicts the possibility of intelligent and conscious computers as a fusion of classical and quantum computers. Trial and error would be a universal quantum mechanism of learning and problem solving. This would force evolution as emergence of phases with increasing value of the effective Planck constant.

The phenomenon of life would be much more general than thought: quartz crystals, plasmas, and biomatter, quite generally any cold plasma, would have the same basic mechanism giving rise to qubits, which under certain circumstances can make the system living and conscious entities. See for instance the article Quartz crystals as a life form and ordinary computers as an interface between quartz life and ordinary life? .
Source: https://matpitka.blogspot.com/2024/12/has-google-discovered-something-new-or.html

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